3 Roles that 🚢 Writers Step Into to Counter the Inner Critic, Unlock the Creative Play, and Fully Express Their Life.

Francisco Serrano Baptista
2 min readApr 30, 2022

Do you experience those inner critics judging your writing topics?

We all experience them:

• The harsh voice of “NO ONE will care?”

• That old and cranky voice of “YOU aren’t good enough!”

• Or that scared: “What will THEY think?”

We pay too much attention to these inner critics and too little attention to the other voices in us that want to break free from judgement and see the light of day. These hidden voices lurk in the shadows and are the minority voices that carry all of your wisdom.

Let’s meet some of them.

👨🏼‍🦳 Your Inner Merlin, Chief Adult of the Room.

The inner sage is your most wise part of yourself, often showing up as the “gut feel.”

Only listening to your inner critic gives you a one-dimensional view. Consulting the inner sage for wisdom instead of what is most important to you and who you want to be can sideline that inner critic and give you an endless stream of topics to write about.

The next time you brainstorm topics with a framework like the EIG, try stepping into this role.

🦸🏼‍♀️ Your Inner Small or Adult Child.

What if you permitted yourself to step into your inner child?

There’s this famous image of two statues sitting and turning their backs to each other. Within those two statues are illuminated children, facing and reaching out to each other. Take a look at yourself; who is this child in you? What does it want?

The permission to be curious about the world around you and ask stupid questions allows you to explore the topics the inner sage suggested you learn and write about.

😼 Your Secret Self.

Your secret self is the one that wants to live life to its fullest.

We all have super-secret selves that we do not show to everyone. Deep down, you will know what this part of you looks like.

Who is your secret self? What does it want?

Now that you have discovered some inner voices, you have a chance to step fully into them and let the heroes out.

It is time for all of us to live rich, abundant and fulfilled adventures by writing from the perspective of our inner heroes.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Francisco Serrano Baptista

Coach for strong female leaders who want and choose a male sparring partner.